Cloud Based Apps-Workday-Technical Consultant | HCLTech
The Digital Path Forward

Cloud Based Apps-Workday-Technical Consultant

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Create integrations within Workday as well as advanced, customized reports
  • Work collaboratively during all phases of the implementation life cycle which includes gathering requirements, designing, testing, transitioning, and overall support
  • Work in a timely manner to meet appropriate delivery times/dates
  • Troubleshoot and resolve issues with urgency
  • Perform testing of integrations when updates to Workday will affect the status of the project
  • Manage any necessary documentation for change management
  • Manage and mentor the junior developers
  • Aid in the best practices of the Workday system
  • Keep track of schedule for on time delivery of assigned tasks as per the defined quality standards - Optimize pace and meet deadlines
  • Collaborate with product owners, QA, and other stakeholders to understand requirements and work on user stories/ backlog items and deliver same with highest quality

Required Technical and Professional Expertise

  • Configuration and maintaining workday modules
  • Experience providing first level of technical support to HR
  • Experience and deep knowledge of inbound and outbound integrations
  • Keeps up with new technology innovation and trends
  • Experience in trouble shooting the process and system performance

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