Unlocking the power of process discovery: Empowering enterprises in the digital era | HCLTech
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Unlocking the power of process discovery: Empowering enterprises in the digital era

In the age of automation, organizations are now prepared for the next level of efficiency, focusing on more complex processes and exceptions. This is where process delivery tools come into play.
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Anu John Alex


Anu John Alex
Associate General Manager, Intelligent Automation, Digital Transformation Practice, HCLTech
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The dawn of a new era is on the horizon in the ever-evolving landscape of the RPA. Process discovery and data mining have reached unprecedented heights with the integration of cognitive AI. As organizations strive to stay ahead in this dynamic environment, harnessing the power of NLP and ML algorithms has become paramount. These cutting-edge technologies enable the rapid clustering and classification of vast data, unlocking valuable insights that drive informed decision-making. As the process analytics market surges towards an estimated worth of USD 46.34 billion by 2032, organizations are embracing these transformative capabilities to unlock their true potential.

Why cognitive process discovery is important

In the age of automation, organizations are now prepared for the next level of efficiency, focusing on more complex processes and exceptions. This is where process delivery tools come into play. These tools are vital in identifying process variations across teams and converging them into a centralized, ‘best-of-breed’ approach.

The process discovery tools with deep learning make AI systems incredibly effective in recognition, perception, translation, and recommended tasks. These tools can collect data from all process instances and have become an invaluable asset for automation initiatives.

Process discovery tools can also record actions between users and workflows to help organizations identify the area that requires optimization. They play a crucial role in enterprise automation by facilitating the design of automation workflows. They enable faster and more efficient mapping, planning, and implementation of automation processes. These tools utilize AI to identify the optimal path to automation, eliminating guesswork. They instead leverage their acquired understanding of all tasks within the business. Through continuous learning, they generate valuable data points that further enhance automation.

How cognitive process discovery tools work


Process discovery has become an integral part of intelligent automation programs. This enables them to gain insights into their underlying operational structure and processes.


Process discovery has become an integral part of intelligent automation programs. This enables them to gain insights into their underlying operational structure and processes. It is a step beyond conventional process mining that uncovers the nuances between transactions or activities.

Combining top-down hierarchical analysis and bottom-up examination, these tools create comprehensive process maps that complement business process analysis (BPA). They generate structured datasets for analysis by experts or AI systems through automated data capture and transformation. Process discovery bots monitor business processes over a specific timeframe, collecting data on how employees interact with applications without disrupting their workflow. Advanced ML algorithms then analyze this data, enabling organizations to generate automation workflows seamlessly.

These solutions are based on intelligent algorithms that make them capable of extracting data from all applications involved in the process, analyzing it, and identifying patterns. With these insights, enterprises can uncover hidden process inefficiencies, optimize operations and drive uninterrupted improvement.

Process mining vs Process discovery

Process discovery and process mining generate invaluable insights into how business processes function and help identify the scope for improvement. Process discovery differs from process mining, even though these terms are often used interchangeably.

Process mining tools focus on extracting and analyzing data from process logs to identify anomalies and patterns. Organizations use these to enhance productivity and customer satisfaction. On the other hand, process discovery tools capture how individuals perform tasks and interact with technology. AI allows these tools to track user behavior and create digital representations of end-to-end processes. Process mining is considered intrusive as it relies on backend transaction systems, while process discovery is non-intrusive, utilizing computer vision, neural networks, and ML to build process models. Process mining is typically retrospective and periodic, whereas process discovery is more dynamic and continuously evolves with AI capabilities.

That said, process discovery and process mining are not mutually exclusive. Combining them can enable businesses to learn more about their enterprise processes, optimize operations and introduce organization-wide automation.

The future of cognitive process discovery

Organizations are striving to differentiate themselves in the evolving digital economy. They are developing increasingly complex processes to streamline operations and gain efficiency. This is why cognitive process discovery has become critical for understanding and capturing process nuances. Its ability to help organizations gain constant insights into their processes and optimize them proactively makes continuous cognitive process discovery necessary for enterprises across industries.

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