Quick guide to launching your tech career in AI | HCLTech

Quick guide to launching your tech career in AI

This blog offers an overview of launching an AI-related career in today’s marketplace.
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Quick guide to launching your tech career in AI

What does a career in AI look like? It’s hot technology now, which means it's also a hot job market. You can pretty much pick your industry because nearly every field has uses for AI — finance, healthcare, marketing… you name it. And someone has to build all those applications.

Spiking job listings reveal competitive AI job market

While AI is sometimes a job eliminator, it also generates new positions. Artificial intelligence as a field is booming, as are the roles needed to support it. are at an all-time high, as US companies shift to adopt the disruptive technology. See for yourself with a quick look on LinkedIn. Our recent search revealed 1,500+ listings related to generative AI roles.

The number of positions listed reflects an AI skills shortage that could be long-term and massive. HCLTech CEO and Managing Director C. Vijayakumar has said that one billion roles will need to be reskilled to deal with the AI skills shortage.



HCLTech CEO and Managing Director C. Vijayakumar has said that one billion roles will need to be reskilled to deal with the AI skills shortage.



What kinds of AI jobs can new graduates expect?

The AI revolution is changing many jobs and creating new ones. AI-related roles include some that didn’t even exist until recently. Prompt engineers, AI research scientists and AI trainers are just a few examples of roles generated in response to this emerging technology.

New graduates interested in AI-related careers have a lot of choices ahead. What’s your goal for an AI role? Think about your first year or two, and then longer term, maybe five to ten years. Just know that a lot of what you feel and know now will likely change, but don’t let that worry you. Life will go on, no matter what AI career choices you make. Hopefully, this blog gives you advice for a successful roadmap.

AI-related roles don’t always require tech-heavy backgrounds

Some AI-related jobs don’t require a technology background at all. For example, in marketing applications, a comprehensive understanding of generative AI isn’t entirely necessary. A prompt engineer in this case would understand things like target audiences and content intent to develop AI-generated marketing actions.

AI positions aren’t exclusive to IT companies, either. Legal firms, customer support and media companies all use prompt engineers to automate parts of their business. Think . The AI trainer role can be found in companies that build and maintain datasets for certain data-intensive industries like healthcare. Data groomers and AI work together for ongoing training and optimization of AI knowledge and usefulness.

Expect rising demand for AI auditors to ensure output from an AI is accurate and unbiased, while AI ethicists are needed to ensure that generative AI is used safely and ethically.

Career value of GenAI Labs and strategic partnerships

Early on, HCLTech understood the potential of generative AI in the workforce, and this foresight led to the creation of the HCLTech GenAI Center of Excellence (CoE) in collaboration with Google. It comes with the commitment to make a difference for HCLTech customers, partners and associates by leveraging responsible generative AI.

GenAI Labs is an integral extension of our Cloud Native Labs focused on building strategic partnerships to deliver AI enablement and innovation. The creative environment of the CoE supports all ecosystems and partners with HCLTech lines of business and HCL Software to deliver industry-specific GenAI-based solutions.

Our AI-related development services include:

  • CloudSMART GenAI Experience
  • GenAI Art-of-the-Possible Workshop
  • GenAI PoCs [Proof of Concept]
  • GenAI Academy
  • CloudSMART Modernization Experience

Again, use HCLTech as a benchmark for evaluating all your possible career moves. It’s hard to find a more AI-rich environment to . And your AI career need not be limited by geography. The GenAI Labs draw from expertise embedded in HCLTech Cloud Native Labs in London, Dallas and Noida.

Our GenAI CoEs offer structured and on-the-job learning environments for young professionals like you. Dedicated GenAI centers help organizations identify opportunities, develop strategies and create roadmaps for implementing specific AI solutions.

Comprehensive AI platform signals exposure to many AI offerings

Our approach is to aggregate our and capabilities into a comprehensive, fully integrated consultancy and delivery platform. That can also translate into a comprehensive, fully integrated career path for someone interested in working in AI long-term.

Could your AI-related career be waiting in one of these practice areas?

  • Noesis AI framework
  • Embedded and edge AI services
  • Data analytics and engineering services
  • AI professional services
  • Generative AI services
  • Trustworthy AI services
  • AI model-as-a-service
  • Machine learning operations
  • AI edge innovation
  • Annotation and labeling services

Visit our as your next step in your career journey. We’re eager to talk with you and answer any questions you may have about an AI-related career. If that’s what lights your spark, that’s what we want you to do.

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