Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka | HCLTech


Businesses on an accelerated digital transformation path produce enormous real-time data across various data sources in diverse formats. To process, respond, and manage multitude of complex events, new-age businesses need a robust and scalable real-time streaming data service.

HCLTech Amazon MSK offers a cost-effective, fully managed, agile, secure, and high-performing real-time streaming data service suitable for global customers across industries. The service enables customers to capture and analyze real-time data from IoT devices, track and monitor vehicles or shipments, monitor patients in medical facilities, and financial transactions.  Customers can seamlessly build and run applications using HCLTech Amazon MSK to process streaming and event data; populate data lakes, stream changes to and from databases, and power machine learning and analytics applications using Amazon Apache Kafka APIs; create, provision and run Apache Kafka clusters. Moreover, it continuously monitors cluster health and automatically replaces unhealthy nodes with no downtime.

Our service offerings include assessment, identification of current gaps, business case preparation, technical workshops, plan and migrate to Amazon MSK, and provide monitoring and support.

Amazon Managed Streaming for Kafka



Security compliant

Security compliant

Fully Managed

Fully managed

Easy to Deploy

Easy to deploy

Seamless integration with AWS

Seamless integration with AWS

Scale cluster

Scale cluster capacities automatically

pay per use model

Control your cost with pay-per-use model



Workshops to educate your teams on Amazon MSK features, use cases, and cost benefits


Consulting and implementation with certified experts with expertise in data processing, integration, queueing, and messaging systems


Proven industry best practices and security around data management embedded into our engagement tools right from day one


Cost savings in managing storage, servers, clusters and applications on AWS rather on-premise by your own


Free up your developers’ time to focus more on innovation and deliver better customer experiences